The Hero’s Bridge Guardians of Freedom is a collection of images portraying our local veterans, in many cases holding an image from their time in service. We welcome veterans to reach out and sit for a portrait. We welcome businesses to sponsor this gallery of images. Most of all, we welcome community residents to recognize their veteran neighbors, thank them for their service, and ask them if there is anything that can be done for them. If you are interested in being in the gallery, please contact
Vietnam Veteran Ray Dodson served as a lineman
Korean War Army veteran, John Victor
Vietnam Veteran Lawrence Miles received a bronze star for merit and an Army Commendation Medal for Valor
Navy Veteran Caryl Buck was the first woman to receive the Olmsted scholarship
WWII and Korean War Air Force veteran, Carlton Cranor
Vietnam veteran, Edward Deneale, III would not hesitate to serve his country again if called to do so.
Three-war veteran, Lt. Col. Joseph Wood received the Distinguished Flying Cross for his action in the Vietnam War
Navy nurse, Carolyn Kirkland worked at the Oakland Navy Hospital on an 20-bed amputee ward.
Vietnam Air Force veteran Col. Rick Koehnke flew 285 missions during two Vietnam tours
Air Force veteran, Richard Graham
Vietnam veteran, Nick Travis and EMBRY
WWII Navy pilot, Tom “Lee” White
Korean war Army veteran, Larry Corbin, served as a motor sergeant
Green Beret in the Korean and Vietnam wars, Jim Van Luven, served in the Army for 24 years.
Running for Heroes, Richard Heppard, US Navy, Operation Enduring Freedom Veteran (ret.) and Bobby Brooks, US Army, Desert Storm Veteran