They fought for us.
We fight for them.

Hero’s Bridge® is dedicated to serving elderly veterans, aged 65 and older. We bridge our veterans to a better quality of life through our age-specific and innovative programs. These services are available to our heroes wherever they call home, at no expense to them or their families.

Do you know a Veteran that needs help? Please click the button below and fill out the form.

Register for the Vietnam Veteran's 5K

Registration is open for the Vietnam Veteran’s 5K on March 29 at the Warrenton Fauquier Airport

Donate to the Village

Hero’s Bridge Village will be first of its kind community dedicated exclusively to aging veterans to lift our aging veterans out of substandard living conditions and social isolation.

Our Impact
Since 2016, we've grown from a simple idea to a vital service in the lives of our veterans. The figures below are our all-time numbers. To learn more about our growing impact on our elderly veteran population, read our 2023 Impact Report.
Veteran Visits
Volunteer Hours
Veterans Served
Paw Patrol Visits

Providing practical and essential services to our aging heroes,
Hero’s Bridge® adheres to four core values:

Always remain centric to the older veteran

There are over 46,000 veterans organizations. When the elderly veteran needs assistance they quickly find most of them are focused on providing help to the younger veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. What the older veteran needs is different than the needs of our nation’s younger heroes. Hero’s Bridge will always remain focused on specializing in the needs of veterans age 65 and over.

No red tape

Hero’s Bridge has seen firsthand the difficulties older veterans face when trying to navigate the VA system and large legacy veteran organizations. Unfortunately, many organizations have layered themselves in overwhelming bureaucracy which makes it hard to quickly help a veteran in need, if at all. Hero’s Bridge will always remain committed to eliminating red tape and bureaucracy at every opportunity.

No passing the buck

When older veterans need help it is often hard for them to reach out. When they finally do they get an endless web of people that refer them elsewhere. Hero’s Bridge believes in collaborating with community partners and resources but will never give blind referrals. We will always take personally responsibility for bridging that veteran to a better quality of life.

Never leave a man behind

Many of the veterans Hero’s Bridge is called upon to help are facing substantial social, financial and practical problems. Years of isolation, poor coping mechanisms and being let down before make it difficult for them to accept help. Couple that with the web of bureaucracy that we must navigate to bridge them to a better existence and every veteran presents unique and hefty challenges. There often comes a point where Battle Buddies ‘hit a wall’ and feel like giving up. We are committed to pushing through where other people have given up-and never leaving a man behind.

Hero’s Bridge News

News & Updates

Be sure to get our newsletters, updates and event announcements so we can include you!

Our Programs

Battle Buddies enjoy outings together.

Battle Buddy Program

Bridging younger and older veterans in a special model of care that decreases social isolation and increases advocacy.

Our program helps recover lost medals and records for our heroes.

Honor Guard

Bridging our veterans to better mental health by facilitating a healthy processing of their time in service.

Paw Patrol members provide comfort and relaxation.

Paw Patrol

Bridging veterans and animals to significantly reduce pain, anxiety, depression, and a variety of other issues.

Some of our heroes need modifications such as wheelchair ramps, and our volunteers will help build or install them for our heroes.

Home Front

Bridging our older heroes to healthy and safe housing conditions.

Our volunteers gain much from their Hero’s Bridge® partnership…

“Battle Buddies connected my wife and I with a gentleman, a local Warrenton resident who is a Vietnam war veteran. He is 87 and is suffering from the maladies of exposure to Agent Orange, He was an army chaplain and witnessed far too many battlefield deaths which has led to two significant PTSD episodes that continue to haunt him to this day. At his advancing age, our Battle Buddy doesn’t drive and has no reliable means of transportation.

His wife is deceased and his two adult children live on the west coast. So he lives alone and feels somewhat isolated in his small apartment. In short, our Battle Buddy is lonely and needs companionship. We feel it is both a duty and a joy to help him, and even the smallest of things can make a big difference to an aging veteran such as our Buddy who no longer has the mobility of a younger man. We visit him weekly, make occasional grocery runs for him, help with errands and assist with local transportation needs. Our friendship has grown and he has become important in our lives. We have become important in his life as well.”

Phil Kasky, Captain, USN (Ret) and member of the VFW Post 9835 in Warrenton, Va.

How you can help

There are a number of ways in which you can help Hero’s Bridge contine its mission to serve elderly veterans.

  1. First and most importantly: Tell others about us! Sharing helps us connect with families and veterans who need us, and with donors and volunteers who can help further our mission. Connect with us on Facebook here.
  2. Volunteer: There are many volunteer opportunities available for all ages and ability levels. Click below to learn more.
  3. Partner with us: Our services are offered at no charge for our veterans and their families, and we rely on your generosity to continue to serve them effectively. Click below to learn more about the many ways you can support our mission.