Hero’s Bridge Field Battle Buddy: Sean Hagerty

Hero’s Bridge Field Battle Buddy: Sean Hagerty

Sean Hagerty tried a few college classes before deciding that it wasn’t for him. “I came from a business-minded family, and just couldn’t see myself following that path,” he said. He turned his attention to the military. “The Coast Guard is everywhere in Narragansett,...
October Newsletter: A Note from Molly

October Newsletter: A Note from Molly

This Halloween season, I find nothing scarier than navigating the anti-veteran rhetoric this political season regarding the Hero’s Bridge Village. Of course, we want to hear from the community about things that may affect them, such as parking, traffic,...
Going Solo Veteran’s Corner

Going Solo Veteran’s Corner

Thank you to Paul Holbert with Going Solo Veteran’s Corner for inviting Hero’s Bridge Air Force Veterans and Community Outreach Coordinator to two of their recent podcasts. If you missed the live broadcast, you can watch them both here. Helping Our Nations...