There is finality in everything we do at Hero’s Bridge. We know that we are serving these veterans in their final moments. In some cases, even their twilight years have passed and they are simply waiting to pass away.
It isn’t easy to accept. In the five years since Hero’s Bridge was formed, we have said goodbye to many veterans. Some we knew well, while with others we were just at the beginning of our relationship.
But it doesn’t really make a difference to the care they receive. Whether we feel confident that we have many years to enjoy their stories and ease their burdens, or if the present visit may be their last, every team member gives our veterans their very best care and undivided attention during our visits.
On April 16 we lost a veteran that nearly every team member had spent time with over the past year. We listened to stories that became less and less clear with each visit. We were honored to be present during the presentation of a United States flag that flew over our Nation’s Capitol Building on the Fourth of July 2020. We enjoyed more than one lunch served by his lovely wife, Frances. The memories we have will be cherished.
We look forward to visits with veterans that are both tremendously meaningful and moments that are perhaps even a little mundane. In this newsletter, you will read a little bit of both. Read the newsletter.