Town of Warrenton Notice of Public Hearing

Aug 29, 2024 | Hero's Bridge Village, Press Releases

The Town of Warrenton will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the Warrenton Town Hall Council Chambers (first floor) located at 21 Main Street, Warrenton, Virginia on the following:

ZMA 2023-01 Warrenton United Methodist Church/Hero’s Bridge – The Owner, Trustees of Warrenton United Methodist Church, and the Applicants, Warrenton United Methodist Church and Hero’s Bridge, seek a Zoning Map Amendment of approximately 9.8640 acres from R-10 (Residential) and RO (Residential Office) to R-PUD (Residential Planned Unit Development) located on and adjacent to the existing church located at 341 Church Street. The proposal requests approval to develop 22-two-family residential dwelling units for a total of 44 units to provide affordable senior housing to ages 65 and older. The application includes a Small Office/Community Center to be constructed in Phase 1 and a Multipurpose Recreational Center in Phase 2. The Applicant is requesting waivers and modifications. The Future Land Use Map designates the parcels as Medium Density Residential. The GPINS are 6984-16-5101 portion (approximately 5.22 acres of the approximately 6.31 acre parcel), 6984-16-7013, 6984-15-1823 and 6984-15-1930.

People having an interest in the above are invited to attend the hearing and state their opinion regarding the issue. The public may also choose to submit written comments through the Town’s website or by emailing during the public comment period which will end at noon the day of the public hearing. The Planning Commission may make a recommendation to the Town Council, which will hold a public hearing at a later date. Information is available for viewing on the Town website If there are any questions, please call 540-347-1101 or visit Town Hall located at 21 Main Street, Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. The Town of Warrenton desires to make its programs, services, facilities, and activities accessible to persons with disabilities. If you need accommodations or auxiliary services, please contact the Town as far in advance as possible.

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