News and Updates


Village Speakers Welcome

Village Speakers Welcome

We are happy to share that our first of two public hearings is scheduled for September 17th at 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall 21 Main St. Warrenton.  We Need You!! This will finally be your chance to make your voice heard. Public opinion is one of the the most important...

10 Years Later: Why you fight

10 Years Later: Why you fight

This was originally printed September 11, 2011 in Stars and Stripes. Reprinted with permission. The catalyst for action was 9/11 The MV Anastasis, a 12,000-ton hospital ship operated by a Christian relief group called Mercy Ships, was loading supplies in Germany on...

December Newsletter: A Note from Molly

December Newsletter: A Note from Molly

Happy Holidays from Hero's Bridge! I would like to wish all of our veterans and their families, our volunteers, our supporters, and our team members a wonderful holiday season! We have enjoyed spreading the Christmas spirit with care and attention to senior veterans...

November Newsletter: A Note from Molly

November Newsletter: A Note from Molly

It’s hard to believe that we are back in the holiday season already. It seems like only yesterday that I was thinking about all that I have to be thankful for, and really, the list hasn’t changed very much over the past year; it has only been amplified. First and...

October Newsletter: A Note from Molly

October Newsletter: A Note from Molly

This Halloween season, I find nothing scarier than navigating the anti-veteran rhetoric this political season regarding the Hero's Bridge Village. Of course, we want to hear from the community about things that may affect them, such as parking, traffic, lighting,...

September Newsletter: A Note from Molly

September Newsletter: A Note from Molly

Much of our time lately has been consumed by discussions of the Hero's Bridge Village, and rightfully so as it will be a significant undertaking and of tremendous value to our veterans. But the Village should not eclipse the daily work we do to improve the quality of...

August Newsletter: A Note from Molly

August Newsletter: A Note from Molly

August is Happiness Month and is dedicated to celebrating the things that make you happy. It should come as no surprise to anyone reading this that watching Hero's Bridge grow over the past seven years has made me very happy. But what makes me even happier is seeing...

July Newsletter: A Note from Molly

July Newsletter: A Note from Molly

Effective June 1, Hero’s Bridge expanded its Battle Buddy services to include Northern Virginia and seven other counties throughout the Valley and Shenandoah regions. This effort was funded by a grant from the State of Virginia, Virginia Department of Veteran...

June Newsletter: A Note from Molly

June Newsletter: A Note from Molly

"Mental health" is a phrase used often in the medical setting. We have groups dedicated to helping youth maintain good mental health, we see groups advocate for the mental health of recovering addicts. And there are scores of groups dedicated to the rehabilitation of...

May Newsletter: A Note from Molly

May Newsletter: A Note from Molly

I hardly know where to begin this newsletter note. Our team has had a whirlwind few weeks. While we continue to serve our aging veterans, we released our 2022 Impact Report, traveled to Richmond for meetings regarding state funding, attended fundraisers on our behalf,...

March Newsletter: A Note from Molly

March Newsletter: A Note from Molly

We begin the first quarter of this year overwhelmed by the generosity of our community and the willingness of others to step forward and donate their time to our mission. From winery and BINGO fundraisers to our sold-out 5K to honor our Vietnam Veterans, it's been a...

February Newsletter: A Note from Molly

February Newsletter: A Note from Molly

Since its onset, Hero's Bridge has served the needs of aging veterans, identified as those who have served in our armed forces and are over the age of 65. Until this year, we have seen veterans primarily from World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. However,...

January Newsletter: A Note from Molly

January Newsletter: A Note from Molly

While the New Year has everyone looking forward, I would be remiss in not looking backward for just a moment. Let me explain... 2023 marks Hero's Bridge's seventh year serving veterans ages 65 and older. During that time, we have had tremendous growth. From the...

December Newsletter: A Note from Molly

December Newsletter: A Note from Molly

It's been a busy month celebrating the holidays with our Veterans. My family chose to do a 'no gift' Christmas this year. As a mother, I had an ulterior motive. I didn't want the children to spend their hard-earned money on me during this difficult inflationary...