The rezoning process is undeniably complex, requiring the Planning Commission to balance numerous competing interests.
We deeply appreciate their thoughtful consideration during both work sessions and public hearings. We made several changes to the project based on Town staff feedback, neighbor comments and Planning Commission recommendations. It is a better project after going through this process. However, in light of their recent approval of the sprawling, 390 unit for-profit Warrenton Village project, we find ourselves both disappointed and somewhat confused by their decision to deny a benevolent, gentle infill project such as this.
We remain hopeful as the project moves forward to the Town Council. We urge the Council members to closely examine the well-documented affordable housing crisis our town is facing and to recognize that the Village project represents a crucial first step in addressing this growing need.
I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have been with us on this journey. Your voices—whether spoken at hearings or written in support—give me the courage to continue this fight. This isn’t just my project; it is our project, a shared vision for the future of our town and the care of our aging veterans.
Stay tuned for more information about how you can help at the Town Council level of review!