May Newsletter: A Note From Molly

May 25, 2021 | Newsletter

As the daughter of a Vietnam Veteran, military recognition days are on my radar. Each year remembrance days from each of our nation’s battles has me thinking of the soldiers who lost their lives in wars and skirmishes throughout the years and throughout the world. I also find myself thinking about their family members.

Throughout American history, military personnel from each branch have been notoriously young. Some even younger than they claimed to be. These young men left their siblings, parents, and friends to do what they felt was right, and in many cases, they were called upon to serve. Some left young families and when they returned, if they returned, they simply weren’t the same.

This Memorial Day, we honor and show our respect for all our fallen heroes throughout history. We also show our respect for the men and women who came home a different version of the person they were before their war years.

In this month’s newsletter, Hero’s Bridge office administrator, Shanna McClain, shares with us her story of connecting, albeit briefly, with a man who knew her father during his war years and gave her a glimpse of the man she never knew. Read the newsletter.

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