March Newsletter: A Note from Molly

Mar 26, 2021 | Newsletter

Our team members and volunteers have done their fair share of running around lately…and I mean that both figuratively and literally! Our veterans could always use an extra hand and maybe some help around their house. Many of them live in old homes that show their age. We are happy to step in and help them out.

This past month, we have helped veterans with some minor home repairs, transportation to and from doctor’s appointments and have simply kept them company while their caregiver steps out.

This month we continue to honor our Vietnam Veterans with our signature event, the Vietnam Veteran’s 5K Run/Walk — which is still accepting registrants!

And if all that running and walking isn’t enough, we celebrate the Running for Heroes duo that are preparing for their third marathon at the end of March to raise funds for our Veterans Village.

It takes a Village to care for our aging heroes and we proud of the community we live in that steps up to help with that care. We look forward to seeing all our runners and walkers out there this month, enjoying the warmer, longer days in honor of our veterans. Read the newsletter.

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