One of our oldest veterans, Joseph Wood, served in WWII, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. As you can imagine, after serving in three wars he has a lot of stories!

This one demonstrates his dedicated American pride.

Wood enlisted in World War II at the age of eighteen in 1944, was drafted to the Korean War in 1950, and served two tours of Vietnam from Dec. 4, 1965 to Dec. 2, 1966 and from Mar. 31, 1972 to Jul. 7, 1972.

At the end of the Vietnam war, Wood was ordered to destroy all intelligence in the Officers’ Club. Under Viet Cong fire, he entered the building to do as he was ordered. As he was leaving, he noticed a poster tacked to the wall of the Budweiser Clydesdales. Determined not to let this piece of Americana fall into enemy hands, Wood re-entered the club to retrieve the poster.

For 30 years Wood hung it in his barn in Delaplane, Virginia. Today, it is in the possession of his close friend, and destined for an Army museum. It has been restored and framed with the following caption: This picture was “rescued” by LTC Joe Wood, USA from Officers’ Club, Advisor Team 41, Kontum Province, RVN, a few minutes before it was overrun by the VC 19 Jun 72.

Hero’s Bridge is dedicated to serving elderly veterans, age 65 and older. We serve, stand by and honor our aging veterans through six distinct programs. These services are available to our heroes wherever they call home, at no expense to them or their families. Do you know a Veteran that needs help? Please call us at 540-341-5378. Visit for more information.