Checking In With Our Runners: Marathon #2

Mar 1, 2021 | Hero's Bridge Village

This weekend, Rick Heppard and Bobby Brooks completed their second marathon, on their way to 12 marathons in 2021 to raise $26,200 for the Hero’s Bridge Veterans Village.

While the forecast looked bleak, the runners postponed their start time for a few hours and were pleased that they did.

Donate to the Veterans Village


Rick: We were lucky with the weather on Saturday, we delayed until the rain stopped, and I was happy that we did. It was still cool but we didn’t get soaked so it was enjoyable. I felt really good during the run, better than the first one for sure. I definitely felt it Saturday night, and Sunday morning when I woke though. Felt more achy in the thighs; probably need to stretch more.

During the run we visited several Veteran Memorials around town. It was thoughtful reminder of why we are doing this. I also felt very thankful that our wives support what we are doing, and are willing to adjust at the last minute to give us the ability to take an afternoon to run a marathon when there is a break in the weather. We are very lucky.

I look forward to the warmer days for when we can get some other runners out there with us for some of the way.

Bobby: The weather was perfect for the marathon. I am glad that we waited a few hours for the rain to stop, it was worth it.

I felt pretty good on this one, I have the general soreness that you have after a long run.  All in all, feeling good and looking forward to Marathon #3!  Again, I am not much into seeing the same sights but we were able to mix it up a little on this one and visit the memorials. After doing so I was able to reflect more on our cause and how important it is for me to continue to bring awareness. It was also special because of the 30th Anniversary week of Desert Storm so I was able to reflect on that as well.

I am really hoping that Running for Heroes can bring awareness to this cause because I truly believe that the community as a whole does not see the issues that older veterans face.

The runners made a few stops along the way to keep them focused on their mission.


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