Behind the Brick: Creekside Veterans Club

Jun 6, 2022 | Hero's Bridge Village

When the Creekside Veterans Club launched less than a year ago, they knew right away that they wanted to become a philanthropic organization that raised money to benefit other veteran organizations. “We decided to focus on three local nonprofits, Hero’s Bridge, Semper K9, and Toys for Tots,” said Ron Royster, liaison to Hero’s Bridge.

With the new declaration, the members, now number in the mid-50s, set out knocking on doors. “We went to neighborhoods and grocery stores asking if they would donate to our organization. And they came through,” said Ron.

The club uses the funds to help support veteran organizations.

At just one year old, the club includes a broad spectrum of military veterans among its 55 members. There are both men and woman who served stateside and abroad, for careers or just a few years, from Iraq and Afghanistan to earlier conflicts including the early years of the Vietnam War. The only military branch not represented, joked Royster, is the Space Force. “They aren’t old enough to be in our club,” he laughed.

Royster graduated from Penn State in ROTC and was commissioned into the Army Transportation Corps in 1968. He served active duty for two years and was in the reserves for four years.

“We are pleased to support fellow veterans through organizations like Hero’s Bridge and their Village program,” said Royster.

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