Hero’s Bridge and Capital Caring arranged a ceremony to thank a local veteran for his service to our country. Lt. Col. Joseph Wood fought in World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War heroically and with valor. On July 4, 2020, a flag flew over the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. in his honor. He was presented with the flag, folded by local veterans, and thanked for his service at his home in Delaplane by Congressman Riggleman via phone.
With the help of Army Specialist CR Simpson, Lt. Col. Wood was thanked for his sacrifices to help shape our nation. Calling from his family home in Virginia, Congressman Riggleman said, “I was amazed at your selfless service. I just want you to know that we were proud to fly a flag over the capitol on July 4, 2020. You are the reason for our independence. I
don’t think there is anybody like you, sir. This flag is a small reminder of what you have done for our country. We appreciate you. Thank you for allowing me to represent you, sir.” Gen. Jim Lukeman presented Lt. Col. Wood with the flag.
Wood’s bed was flanked by one Colonel, one General, three Lieutenant Colonels, friends, family and representatives from Capital Caring and Hero’s Bridge. Prior to the flag presentation, Wood shared stories from his service from enlisting at age 18 to his time with General MacArthur through his Vietnam service when he retrieved a Budweiser poster from the Officer’s Club while under Viet Cong fire.
The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution representative William C. Collier presented Lt. Col. Wood with the Bronze Good Citizenship medal for his long and faithful service.
Lt. Col. Dave Benhoff presented Lt. Col. Wood with a Vietnam War commemoration pin for his service during the Vietnam War. Wood’s wife Francis assisted with pinning. “I never dreamed of anything like this. I was with a good group,” Wood responded.
Hero’s Bridge is dedicated to serving elderly veterans, age 65 and older. We serve, stand by and honor our aging veterans through six distinct programs. These services are available to our heroes wherever they call home, at no expense to them or their families. Do you know a Veteran that needs help? Please call us at 540-341-5378. Visit www.herosbridge.org for more information.